Sarah gave me lots of love' n. |
John and I had lots of laughs together. |
What's that I hear? I hear some dogs whimpering.
Yippy!!!! The Office Pups are here today too.
I can't wait to meet Kayla and Bailey.
Sarah, my new BPP (Best Puppy Pal), introduced us. |
Whooooo. They are big. |
Are you Kayla or Bailey? Arrrrrrrooooooo…. she is whispering sweet nothings in my ear. I wonder is she is a cougar. Will you be my BPG (Best Puppy Gal)? |
John thinks that if I was taller, I might have a chance. They both have lots of play pals. |
We did have fun running around in John's office. I'm really good at chase since I am small and fast. See how fast I am? |
Bailey (CEO) and Kayla (COO) must be really smart since they run the office.
I can't count yet, but maybe I can learn that in puppy school and then I can help Kayla and Bailey out.
Chow for now. I'll bark at you again, soon.
I bet you'd be great at running a business when you're all growned up!