So... I heard dat dar is dis show on TV dat's all about chasing balls. Well, I do love chasing balls so I thought dat I'd get comfy and watch it.
Hummmmmmm.... |
Dey all seem to want an ugly green coat. Green is not my color. I much prefer Blue.
Looks like dey set da white ball down on da grass and den hit it wiff a shiny stick. Den, dey walk up to da white ball and whack it wiff da shiny stick again.
Dis golf thingy is kinda boring. |
Where's all da action? Where's da Tiger dey keep talking about?
Maybe if dey all chased after da ball and da 1st one to get da ball raced around da flags while de other ones chased him... den it would be much more exciting.
Or... maybe if dey all buried dar white balls in dos holes and then played Hide & Seek... dat would be fun.
Or.... dey could have a hole digging contest in all dos sand boxes.
Or... maybe everyone could go skinny dipping in all dos water holes. Now dat would be fun. Don't ya think?
We dogs sure know how to have FUN.
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......... |
Pees.... after I fell asleep, Mom changed da channel. She doesn't get it either.
And now for a wee little golf humor.
Q: What are the four worst words you could hear during a round of golf?
A: It's still your turn!
Golfer: "Well, I have never played this badly before!"
Caddy: "I didn't realize you had played before, sir!"
Golfer: "Do you think my game is improving?"
Caddy: "Yes sir, you miss the ball much closer now."
Golfer: "Well caddy, do you like my game?"
Caddy: "Very good, sir! But personally I prefer golf."