I just love my morning walkies wiff Mom.
We have lots of new things to explore (and smell) in my new hood.
Today we discovered Solstice Park.
It's a small park wiff three big rings.
Hummmmm..... are dey magical rings?
Are dey a part of an agility course?
Did aliens leave dem?
Not sure but dey are pretty pawsome.
I checked out and marked all three of dem sooooo,,,, I think I'll call dem "Ranger Rings". BOL.
Can't wait to see what we find on our next walkie!
Pees..... Did you know dat Wednesday, Sept 28th is "Ask a Stupid Question Day"?
Da Challenge: Join me wiff an Ask your Stupid Question postie on 9/28 and see all da answers you get in your comments. Sound like fun?