Arrrrrrrroooooooo !!!!!!

I am 63 today! Dats only 9 in human years. |
What's dat all about?
63 vs 9
Dos humans are always trying to look and be younger.
What's a little grey?
Mom thinks dat I look distinguished. Cool.
I get CHICKEN with my kibble tonight. Yippy.... I can't wait.
Maybe I'll get a new stuffie too. I'm going to keep a lookout for a Chewy box. I did get a Birthday card from them so dare might be a pressie coming too.
Since it is my Birthday, I thought I'd share a baby Ranger pic wiff you.
Yep.... no grey furs back den. |
Have a Grrrrrrrreat Day.
Ranger (da Birthday boy)
Peees.... Happy Birthday to Angel Stuart and my down under buddy Dui.