I gots an AMAZING story for you today.
You know how much I like playing with balls. Well… the other evening when I was out in my yard, I found me a really cool new ball.
I was having a really great time running around and rolling it around when Mom came out to see what I was up to. Ya see… all of my regular balls were still in the outdoor ball basket so she knew something was up.
What's ya got there Ranger?
Yo.. Mom, isn't this a cool hardball? It rolls really good too. |
Dis is a close-up of my new ball. |
Unfortunately, Mom (aka "da pawty pooper") took my new ball away and put it on the other side of the fence.
Dar it is on the other side of my fence. |
Is that fair?
I mean… I found it, not her.
Mom consulted with Aunty D and she said dat my hardball is a Box Turtle.
I watched it for a long time
(like 87 zillion hours) and you'll never guess what happened…..
…. a little head pop'd out of my ball.
Arrrrrrrroooooo…it was sooooooooo pawsome. |
Then my new ball ('Boxy') waddled away. |
Have you ever seen a waddling hardball with a little head? It was super duper cool. I hope 'Boxy' comes back soon, so we can play ball again. I thinks I have the best yard ever. There is always somethin new to explore.
Pees. Mom said she was glad I hadn't found me a snake (whatever dat is). Apparently Mom is a scaredy-cat when it comes to snakes.