
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Park Day 2.0 - BINGO

Finn and Charley and Gizmo are hosting Park Day 2.0 (the Bingo Game Edition).

Dis is my BINGO card.

#1 - Spot a Squirrel
I see you.

Drat…. Ranger sees me.
Now I'm stuck up here.

#2 Find a person flying a Kite
Wow…   dat's a lot of people flying kites.

#3 Park Bench - Free Spot
I likes this FREE bench.

#4 Like Gizmo's Terrier Torment Facebook page.

#5 Visit your nearest body of Water
The Atlantic Ocean is my favorite body of water.

How's dat?   B-I-N-G-O !!!    Did I win?


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Play-dates with buddies are the best !

I got invited to by buddies, Wally (2 1/2 yrs old) and baby Finn (5 months old), house for another play-date.

Dis is Wally and Finn waiting for ME to arrive.
W:  Is dat him?
F:  All this waiting is making me thirsty.  

Wow… You have gotten so big Finn!
Wanta play?

What ya got there boys?   An eagle?

I'm getting in on this action.
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrroooo…. a 3-way toy tug-a-war.
Wally may be strong and Finn is scrappy, but I got a bigger jaw and bigger teeth than both of them, so I'm pretty good at the steal.

Then they wanted to have a wrestling match.    Game on!
Woooo….   I think I'm out numbered.

Oh my…. little Finn's got me pinned down.
You little rascal.

Got-ya now Finn.  
Turnaround it fair play!

What fun.   We played tug-a-war, wrestled, pottied, drank, raced, pee'd, and played "catch-me, catch-me".    Mom says it was all "a blur of fur fun".
And… we had some good laughs.
Finn is sooooooo silly and Wally is a jokester.

Wally had us in stitches with his puppy jokes.

What do you call a dog lying in the sun?
A hot dog

What do you get if you cross a dog with a phone?
A Golden Receiver!

What kind of dog likes to fight?
A boxer (dat one was easy)

What do you call a litter of young dogs that have come in from the snow?
Slush puppies

How do you know when it's raining cats and dogs? 
When you step in a poodle.

What should you know before you teach your puppy a new trick?
You should know more than your puppy!  (mom laugh'd at this one)

What happened to the dog that ate nothing but garlic?
His bark was much worse than it's bite.

Where should you never take a dog?
A flea market 

Why did the poor dog chase his own tail?
He was trying to make both ends meet.

What does a southern dog call his father?

I hope you get to laugh with some furfriends today.   


Friday, May 24, 2013

Flashback Friday's - Memorial Day

In the USA, Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.
Baby Ranger (with furry/fluffy ears) celebrating Memorial Day 2012.

I get to go to doggie camp for the weekend.
I can't wait to see all my furfriends there.

Have a safe weekend, and remember our Service men and women!


Pees.   Check out Susie and Sidebites blog to find out how you can help da animals in Oklahoma after da devastating tornado.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Yippy… I got me a new Bed!

Look what I got in the mail?   It came in a really BIG box.

Arrrrrrrooooooo… it's my New Forever Home Pet bed and blankie!

I won the new bed and blankie on Pet Blogs United.  I am the luckiest pup in Blogville.

Now, I must admit that I usually do not lay in my old bed, too often.   I prefer to lay on the carpet or on the floor so I wasn't really too sure about this new bed.

Hummmmmm.    It is really nice lookin.

Well… let's see if it gets my Five-Paws rating.

It smells good.

And, I like the chin bumper.  
Good for resting ones head on.

Wow… this is really soft and plushy!

Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet!   It is even has great "back-sleep" support.

Now lets check out the bottom side.

Cool…. the bottom-side is even comfy.

Oh… and did I mention the matching blankie?   It is snuggle soft.
Human, hands-off…. dis is my blankie and you can't have it.

I give this bed and blankie my Top Rating of Five-paws.  

Thank you Pam & Oskar from Pet Blogs United  &  Karin from Forever Home Pet. You are the best!

I'm gonna take a nap now, in my new bed.
Hey Mom, are you still taking pictures?   
You're interrupting my nap-time.


Pees….  Ranger has actually been sleeping and laying in his new bed (when he's not playing).   It is amazing… this is the 1st bed he has ever liked.   
I highly recommend this bed.  
Ranger's Mom

Please go and check out Susie and Sidebites blog to find out how you can help da animals in Oklahoma after da devastating tornado.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Prayers for Oklahoma

I like to watch TV, especially the commercials with dog, cats, and elephants on them.   The one with the doggie in the tube, is currently my favorite one.

I really hate to see bad stuff on TV, and today there was lots of bad stuff (sigh).

Sending out prayers for all those (human's and pets) affected by the tornados that devastated Oklahoma.

Our thoughts are with you.


Pees.   Support the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Paw Prayers

I'm am a wee bit anxious today.  

Ya see, my buddy Dougall (who is just over 1 yr old… like me) has to go to the dogster today and have surgery.   He has a small growth, and they are gonna remove it and biopsy it.

Please send up some paw prayers for my buddy and his peeps.

I just know he will be all better soon.

Also…. there is a rescue cat, named Leo, that could also use some paw prayers.   My girlfriend, Mollie, is holding a fabulous Auction and a Raffle fundraiser to help with Leo's medical bills.   Now hop on over to her bloggie and see if ya wanta bid on something.

These are my prayer paws - for Dougall  and Leo.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

I Got Mail !!!!


Wow…. this is a BIG Yellow Envelop.
I wonder who sent it.

It's from my friend Sammy.

Ooooooooooooh….. what's in here?

I see Bones and somethin else.

Look at all the stuff I got.
2 Bones, a monkey stuffie, and a note card from Sammy, with my photo on it.   Sweeeeeeeet !!!!
It's my surprise present for winning Sammy's PJ contest at his Blogaversary Pawty.
Sammy is the best!
I just L-O-V-E my New sock monkey 'George'.
'George' is just purrrrrrfect for playing tug-a-wag.

'George' and I will have lots of good times together.
Thank you Sammy for the surprise present and big licks to all of you who voted for me.  I am one lucky pup.

                                              Ranger & sock monkey 'George'

Friday, May 17, 2013

Flashback Fridays

I just lovs laundry day.


                                          Baby Ranger

Thursday, May 16, 2013

All's well in Blogville again

YIPPY !!!!!   Sarge is FREE.

I am soooooooooo happy and after all that hard 'Free Sarge' campaigning work, I thinks I deserve a reward.     Oh… oh…  maybe I'll have me a bone and I know just where to get one (or 2 or 45).
What are you look'n at?
Someone has to chomp on it… and it might as well be ME!

                                     Ranger (and his new stash)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sarge's hearing & "Love a Tree Day"

Today's Sarge's formal hearing.  

Don't forget to send in your Witness Statements and/or Character  Statements.    Entered your statements as comments on Judge/Majoress Madi's bloggie or or on Sarge's cusssins Frankie and Ernie bloggie.   Frankie and Ernie will make sure the Judge reads all your statement.

Judge Madi (in her judge Wiggy) will be deliberating all Day (reading all the comments and character witness statements) and will present her findings to Blogville on Thursday. 

Thanks for all your support of our COP and keep your paws crossed.
            Your servant,
Junior Officer Ranger

Pees.   Sasha (our world class resident chef) has brought over her pizza truck to the courthouse and is serving yummy food on a stick to all of you wonderful Sarge supporters.

Today, is also "Love a Tree Day" so go out there and mark hug your favorite tree.

Dis is my favorite tree.  Well it is really 4 tree friends that hang out together.   
Aren't they great?    They are really, really tall.
See…. I have my tree friends marked as MINE.
I like to look'in up the trees cuz sometimes the squirrels are up there and I have to chase them away.   They are always trying to stake out their ownership of MY trees.
Hello tree buddy.  Wanta hug?
I'm not sure I can get my paws around you.

Any squirrels up there today?

I just love my tree buddies.



Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Update on the 'Sarge-in-the-Doghouse' case

What's up with Sarge?
Hang in there Sarge.

Here's what's go'in on with our campaign to help out our buddy Sarge (Blogville Chief of Police) and my favorite Boss.

According to our fabulous Mayoress Madi:
  • There will be a formal hearing on Wednesday, May 15th. 
  • Judge Madi (in her judge Wiggy) will preside. 
  • She will be deliberating all Day Wedneday....reading all the comments and character witness statements. 
  • Witness statements and/or character  statements can be entered as comments on Major Madi's bloggie or on Sarge's cusssins Frankie and Ernie bloggie on Wednesday.   We will needs lots of statements on Wednesday.
  • Mayor/Judge Madi will present the findings to Blogville on Thursday. 

The Little Pinches, aka the Crabby Girls, (Shelldon, Beachnut, and Oceana) are keepin Sarge abreast of all the activities and sharing our words of encouragement with him.  Great job Girls.

Bail Bones update
Total count:  45 bones,
1 antler,
several bully sticks,
and some fishy bones.
I wanta thank all of you who dognated to Sarge's Bail.
  • Sarge's cusssins Frankie and Ernie dognated 6 bones.
  • Daisy, Bella & Roxy dognated 3 (slightly/really chewed) beef knuckle bones.
  • Easy dognated 1 bail bone.
  • Gizmo is sending two big bones and an antler (only partially chewed).
  • Reilly (who is not allowed bones anymore after breaking a tooth on one) dognated 5 bones.
  • Some bully sticks (that are just chewed a little on the end) were send by Stella Rose.
  • Goose dognated 17 bones but they are buried in the back yard so it may take a little time to find them and dig them up.
  • Misaki will also donate a few bail bones for Sarge.
  • Ruby (Blogville's Squirrel Patrol Officer) dognated 5 bones.
  • Casey (a member of Mayoress Madi's cabinet and a dedicated rescue worker) dognated a MASSIVE rawhide bone.
  • The Crabby Girls (Shelldon, Beachnut, Oceana) gave us some leftover fish bones.
  • Sheba has no bones to dognate, but will bake a cake with a saw blade in it to help free Sarge.
  • Popie Kyla is willing to do a curse (if needed).
If we don't need all the bail bones…. I'll just have to think of somethin else to do with all those yummy bones (lickin my chops).

Now dis is Really Important cuz we do not want those Evil Squirrels to come back and raise havoc on Blogville.

Mark you calendars for Wednesday, May 15  and send in your witness/character statements to Frankie & Ernie  or  Mayor Madi.   Statement should be in the form of comments on their bloggies.   Also.. you can post this badge on your bloggie to show your support of our Chief of Police.

Your friend and loyal Junior Police Officer,

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