Today I'm joining Oz da Terrier in his Limerick Day Blog Hop. I hope dat I'm not too late, butt I've been a bit distracted.
Now I'm not a poet and have never written a Limerick so here we go…. dis one is very personal to me.
Dare was a sweet Scot who went to camp
He riped out his toenail by acci-dant
His heart raced when his paw was hurt
Went to da dogster to stop da blood spurt
He handled it all like a real champ
I don't know it Limericks have 2 verses…. but Mom wrote a second verse.
I hate dis thing. |
Dare once was a Mom who took a trip
Who wasn't dare when her pup yip'd
He had to wear a cone on his head
She felt so guilty dat he bled
Now her pup can't skinny dip
So… what happened?
Mom and Aunty D went to Santa Fe for a week and I went to my favorite dog camp. I love it dar as I get to play wiff lots of my friends. While at camp, I somehow ripped out one of my toenails on my right front paw. I didn't cry out but the da camp councilors noticed dat my paw was bleeding all over da place.
Dey called Mom and rushed me to da dogster. Da dogster stopped da bleeding, cleaned my hurt paw and bandaged up my wound. I got me some pain meds and anit-body-tics so dat I don't get a fection. I went back to da dogster to get my bandaged change and den later in da week I got my bandage removed.
Mom picked me up from camp as soon as she got back from her trip (Sat night) and she finally took dat awful cone off my head (yippy). My paw still hurts and I sometime limp so I don't put much weigh on my hurt paw.
Resting….. my meds make me sleepy. |
I'm still on pain meds and anti-body-tics but today I finally started limping less. I even jumped up onto my favorite chair and ran after a bird in da yard (den limped back to Mom). I still have more healing to go…. but gettin better day-by-day.
I'm gettin lots of guilt lovin and I may have to milk dis some more.
Pees….. so sorry dat I haven't been around to visit y'all.