Today is Write a Letter to your Paw Pal Day.
What? You wanta steal my yaptop? |
Move over Ranger, today I'm commandeering your blog so I can tell the world how much you mean to me and join in on da "Letter To Paw Pal" blog hop.
Don't worry, I promise not to leave my sticky fingerprints all over your keyboard. You can blog again tomorrow. I promise.
Dear Ranger Pal,
The first three months of 2012 were hard for me. In January, I loss my beloved scottie MacGuyver and then in March, I loss my Dad. I was heartbroken.
One day, when I was googling scottie puppies, I found Jane Heron in Raeford, NC. She had a litter of sweet scottie pups.
I met with Jane and that was the 1st time that I saw you. You had 2 brothers and 5 sisters. I chose you. Hum.... now that I think about it, maybe you chose me. Thank you for choosing me to be your Mom.
When you were a wee bit bigger, I finally got to bring you home with me. How could I not fall in love with that sweet face, that little milk lip, and your nice little butt?
You have brought so much joy and laughter into our home. I can't think of a day that has gone by without you making me laugh.
My little clown. |
You are also my favorite little beach bun. I love how excited you get whenever we go to the beach. You excitement is infectious.
There is no one I'd rather take a walk on the beach with. I am constantly amazed at how many perfect strangers stop to introduce themselves to you.
It's all about the sandy nose. |
Now I thought that I'd let you some more reasons why I love you.
- I love that you bang your paws on the side of my bed to wake me up in the morning.
- I love that you are always excited to see me.
- I love when you give me that "please walk me look".
- I love that you are always excited to go for a ride in the car or a ride in your bike trailer.
- I love that you jump up on your photography chair whenever you see me with a box for you and a camera.
- I love that you let me know when it is 5:00pm (dinnertime) and pester me until I feed you.
- I love that you grab a stuffie, run up to the TV, jump up and down whenever you see a Dog or Cat or any 4 legged friend on TV.
- I love when you let me grab a hug from you.
- I love that when I call you in from outside, you just sit there and stare at me. After I close the door, you run to it so I can let you in. (maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that one).
Thank you for all the joy and laughter.
Love really is a 4 legged Word. |
You are MY BPP (Best Puppy Pal) and have left your Paw-prints on my Heart.
Love ya Batman,