Yikes..... I'm naked!
What happened, you ask?
Well, last Sunday, I was just sitting in my backyard (which is fenced) watching the kids play in da yard behind me and I was shot at.
Nerf Bullet |
Ok, maybe not on purpose, but dis bullet came flying into my yard. It was a Nerf Bullet. It landed right by me so I just had to check it out. Ya see, I've never seen one of des so I decided dat maybe it was a new chew toy.
Now according to Mom, our doorbell rang and it was one of da gun slinging kids. She told Mom dat I had one of their bullets.
What? Don't they know the Scottie Possession Laws? What are dey teaching in da schools?
Anyways, Mom came out in da yard and dar I was chew'in on da blue part of da bullet. I gave it to her but she looked worry. She asked da kids if dar was another part of the bullet and dey said yes.
OMD... she said, da bright orange harder plastic with a hard plastic skew at one end was missing. So... off we went for a road-trip. I do love to ride in da car, until I saw where we were going.
Nerf Bullet topper. |
Da Dogster gave me a shot of some nasty drug dat made me sick to my tummy.
So... I returned da bullet top and dey bagged it for Mom.
Three days later, I kinda got bored and went look'in for some new property/toy to acquire. Aunty D came down stairs and found me play'in wiff my new toy.
Vitamin travel box. |
I found it in her overnight bag and pulled it out. It was empty, but it was still fun to chew on. I gave it to her, when she asked but den she said OMD.... Sunday's top is missing. She called Mom (who was on her way home from work) and told her dat
I ate Sunday. She search dat floor and couldn't find Sunday's topper.
Da dreaded torture table. |
Road-trip! Dis time we had to go across da river to da emergency vet hospital as it was after hours.
Sick shot (again), but I didn't give the topper back. X-ray looked okay so we went home wiff fewer green papers and I had bread and just a little bit of food for dinner.
Da next morning, Mom found Sunday's topper in her bathroom on da tile floor.
Good news was dat I never really ate Sunday's topper, butt da bad news is dat it was an expensive week from Mom. I'm almost 4 and she thinks dat I'm going thru my terrible twos again (hehehe).
She said dat she really hopes dat Santa brings me some new toys.
Oh, oh, oh..... she also said dat I could open my pressie from Jack early. YIPPY !!!! Jack's present arrived and has been just sit'in on da table. I can't wait to see what I got in da blogville holiday gift exchange from Jack.