I got invited to by buddies, Wally
(2 1/2 yrs old) and baby Finn
(5 months old), house for another play-date.
Dis is Wally and Finn waiting for ME to arrive.
W: Is dat him? F: All this waiting is making me thirsty. |
Wow… You have gotten so big Finn! Wanta play? |
What ya got there boys? An eagle? |
I'm getting in on this action. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrroooo…. a 3-way toy tug-a-war. |
Wally may be strong and Finn is scrappy, but I got a bigger jaw and bigger teeth than both of them, so I'm pretty good at the steal.
Then they wanted to have a wrestling match. Game on!
Woooo…. I think I'm out numbered. |
Oh my…. little Finn's got me pinned down. You little rascal. |
Got-ya now Finn. Turnaround it fair play! |
What fun. We played tug-a-war, wrestled, pottied, drank, raced, pee'd, and played "catch-me, catch-me". Mom says it was all
"a blur of fur fun".
And… we had some good laughs. Finn is sooooooo silly and Wally is a jokester. |
Wally had us in stitches with his puppy jokes.
What do you call a dog lying in the sun?
A hot dog
What do you get if you cross a dog with a phone?
A Golden Receiver!
What kind of dog likes to fight?
A boxer (dat one was easy)
What do you call a litter of young dogs that have come in from the snow?
Slush puppies
How do you know when it's raining cats and dogs?
When you step in a poodle.
What should you know before you teach your puppy a new trick?
You should know more than your puppy! (mom laugh'd at this one)
What happened to the dog that ate nothing but garlic?
His bark was much worse than it's bite.
Where should you never take a dog?
A flea market
Why did the poor dog chase his own tail?
He was trying to make both ends meet.
What does a southern dog call his father?
I hope you get to laugh with some furfriends today.