Arrrrroooooo! Irma is gone.
We got about 4"s of rain and wind, but dat's all. I had wet paws and didn't like going outside in all da wind and rain but by da afternoon, it was sunny. We were lucky and I'm still sending up prayers for all dos affected by Irma and Harvey.
Since it was so sunny, Mom and Auntie D decided it was a good day for a ride in da car. When they asked me if I wanted to go, I jumped at the chance. Ya see, I LOVE going for rides in da car and couldn't wait to see where we are going.
Sometimes, I try to get into da front seat but Mom says dat I can't drive cuz my paws will not reach da petals. Drat.
OMD...... we went to my all time favorite place!
We went to da BEACH!!!
Funny how it is always a beautiful day after a storm. |
I made lots of new friends at da beach. All da peeps think I'm handsome. Trips to da beach is always an ego booster for me. |
I hope dat you had a grrrrrrrrreat day.
Pees.... we are still keepin' and eye on Hurricane Jose but Mom's insurance guy says dat it won't be a problem. "Trump will not let him into da country wiffout da proper papers and dos have blown away".
(just a little insurance adjuster humor).