
Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year - Wacky Holidays in January

I just did my monthly googly research on my yaptop and here are some wild and crazy things to celebrate in January.   Let's have some fun this year.   After 2020, we all deserve some FUN.

January 2021 Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky Days:

Your camera click is too loud.

1 - National Hangover Day (Check)

2 - International Stop Spam Day (hummmm, I've never tried Spam)

3 - Festival of Sleep Day (I could get down wiff dis one.  BOL)

4 - National Spaghetti Day (I just need to find me a Lady to share my plate wiff)

5 - National Bird Day (dis one is for Kismet)

6 - Cuddle Up Day (I'm not much of a cuddler)

7 - Old Rock Day

8 - Bubble Bath Day (NOOOOOOOoooooo)

9 - Play King Day

10 - Houseplant Appreciation Day

11 - Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day (Fun)

12 - Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day (Dat's ME)

13 - National Rubber Duckie Day

14 - Dress Up Your Pet Day (grrrrrrrrr..)

15 - National Hat Day (I do look good in a hat)

16 - Appreciate a Dragon Day (I like purple dragons)

17 - Ditch New Years Resolutions Day (BOL..... Mom will love dis one)

18 - Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday 

19 - National Popcorn Day

20 - National Cheese Lover Day (Arrrrrrroooooo!)

21- Squirrel Appreciation Day (I appreciate tree'd squirrels)

22 - National Blonde Brownie Day

23 - National Pie Day (I LOVE PIE and PIE Squared)

24 - Beer Can Appreciation Day (Cheers)
24 - Global Belly Laugh Day

25 - Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day
25 - Opposite Day

26 - Australia Day (Let's celebrate all of our Aussie furfriends)

27 - Punch the Clock Day

28 - National Kazoo Day

29 - National Puzzle Day
29 - National Cornchip Day

30 - National Inane Answering Message Day

31 - Backward Day (LOB.  Get it?)

Feel free to grab any of these days for posties or for events/blog hops dat you might wanta host.   Have fun!   We all love a special occasion bloghop.  



  1. oooh we think that are totally correct howlidays... we actually have a hangover today LOL

  2. Happy New Year Ranger, Mom and Aunty Dee...
    May it be filled with hope, peace and kindness
    Hugs cecilia

  3. Stop Spam day? You read my spam.

  4. Happy New Year Ranger!
    Every day is Cheese Lover Day in this household.
    Toodle pip!

  5. Just when we thought the hat tax was sine, a day to have to dress up! Happy New Year.

  6. Those are some interesting days to celebrate this month. Happy New Year!

  7. We're going to have to put some of these holidays on our brand new calendars! I had completely forgotten about squirrel appreciation day. (We appreciate them in the middle of January when they're asleep in their dens and not messing with the birdie feeders!)

  8. Thanks for the Wackies Ranger, we plan on having some fun with a few of them!
    Happy New Year!

  9. Ranger I came back to tell you I have already set several Wacky days to auto post I'm so happy Mom did a google search for this it is such fun and yes we need fun by the tons
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Every day is National Puzzle Day at my house. Happy New Year, Ranger!

  11. Miss this feature. Glad that you have revived it.

  12. I came here from Cecilia's blog (down home in North carolina). Love this whole idea!! But the spam day? I can't believe you haven't had spam. The real spam, that is. Trust me, you're not missing a darned thing. By the way you DO look handsome in hats...the one you're wearing right now is mighty spiffy!!

  13. What a great hangover picture. 👍 🙂 I hope you have a great year.

  14. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!🎉🧨🍾🍾🍸🍸😁 I hopes you and your MOms and Aunty Dee have a most FABulous 2021!!
    LOVE the holiday's feature! Missed this! Nows, which ones shall I make Ma do for me???? 😂
    Ruby ♥


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