
Thursday, April 16, 2020


Arrrrrrrroooooooo!   Today is da Downunder Daisy's ISO-lympics!

I entered da:

The Great Toilet Paper Roll Race 
Yep, they are still holding the Great Toilet Paper Roll Race.   Even wiff da shortage of supplies, they managed get enough rolls to hold dis historic event.   (Da organizers traded dog poop bags for rolls of TP.)   I'm going for da gold.

I got my roll and I'm ready for da race to start!

Checking out da competition.

OMD.... dat is Messi.  
He is famous for his paw-work.
Could be major competition.
Da whistle blew and da race was on!   

It was nose to nose for awhile and I really thought dat I would win (I do have a big nose), but Messi's pawsome paw-work won da day.

High Paw Messi !!!

It was a good race and I came in second.
No worries, we all got to take home a roll TP for pawticipating.

We also even got some 
TP Cake to celebrate the day.

I'm exhausted from racing.


  1. wow ranger that is a super modern sport... and currently more eggs-pensive than golf or polo... you two have the paw for style and class! bravo!

  2. The T.P. race is definitely on and if you won that race well Ranger you definitely hooked a true Gold!
    Sweet William The Scot

  3. Oh, Ranger, your event and clever story made me laugh, laugh, laugh! TP Gold for sure.... (and it seems to be worth its weight in gold)!

  4. Well done but we don't know how you did it without shredding and eating the paper.

  5. these days TP is solid gold, so you won by getting solid gold TP to bring home... that cake looks like a winner also... good job to both of you

  6. Ranger and Messi
    TP is now considered the new gold so you were winners from the beginning. Well done
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. That was an awesome race, Ranger and Messi! My mom says that winning tp is better than a gold medal but the bestest part is getting some of that yummy tp cake!

  8. Bravo! Bringing home extra TP is the real victory.

  9. What an exciting contest Ranger. It was brave of you to even think about competing against the awesome Messi!

  10. Ranger was a wonderful competition you had. We all know that you and Messi would be a close contest. We hope you all still had so much fun. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful nap after a tough race.
    World of Animals

  11. Bwahaahaa! Great event... So topical. We're sure you were a close second. Thanks for giving us a laugh this morning. We'd love to be there sharin' the cake.

  12. Well done Ranger! As for snagging an extra roll - that's "good as gold" these days so no wonder your Mom was extra proud of you!

    Hugs, Teddy

  13. Go Ranger!! Definite Gold Medal....and how much for a roll of that TP...BOL!!
    Arty, Jakey & Rosy

  14. Way to go, Ranger! Gold medal on finding extra TP!!!!!

  15. Way to score the TP Ranger!!! that is a good as a gold medal!
    Mabel & Hilda

  16. You did an excellent job Ranger. We can't believe Messi beat you though and think you should get a gold medal too.

  17. OMD, that was a FABulous event Ranger!!! I was on the edge of my puter chair wonderin' if you were gonna pull out the win.....oh wells, there is always next years. At least you got some cake and extra TP for the peeps! That should garner you an extra nom, and a margarita!
    Ruby ♥

  18. Wow! That sounds like fun! Maybe after this quarantine is over, we can all get some TP for sporting purposes.


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