I am so Thankful for our BIG Sliding glass doors so I can see outside and stay cool.
I've been working long hours (and missing out on my beauty sleep) as our yard patrol officer. It is so hot outside dat I have to keep watch from inside da house.
Lately, dar's a blue heron that has the nerve to walk by (on da other side of my fence) and then goes fishing in the canal. When I see him out back, I go crazy and Mom lets me shout at him and chase him to the other side of the canal. Den I have to watch him to make sure he doesn't come back. I can usually force him to fly away (my shouting must scare away da fish that he is looking for).
Not only do I have to parol our yard for rabbits, squirrels, and herrons, but now dey say there is a gator around.
Yep, we've had alligator sightings in our neighborhood canals but I'm not too worried about da gator (my yard is fenced). Maybe if I actually saw one, I might be a bit more concerned. Butt den again.... I'm a Scottie so I think I can scare him off too.
Hummm.... don't you think I deserve a raise? Is there such a thing as gator hazard pay?
Pees. I've been away from blogville for some time now and don't know what events are happening in blogville. Now dat I'm back, is there a place I can go to see what events/hops are coming up so I can join in? I do like a good pawty.