
Monday, July 31, 2017

Maybe if I hide behind dis table, SHE won't see me.

Today I go back to da Dogster to get my "poor paw" stitches out.  

I'm also gonna get a chest x-ray and dey are going to aspirate my legs lymph node.   Now I don't know what dat means but I think it involves a BIG needle.  YIKES!

Paws crossed dat everything is clear.


Pees.....  Don't forget my August Wacky Holidays challenge.
See yesterday's posties for more info.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Wacky Holidays in August & a Challenge

Da Heat is ON!

I just did my monthly googly research on my yaptop and here are some wild and crazy things to celebrate in August.

Don't miss my Bloggie Challenge at da bottom of dis postie.

August, 2017 Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky Days:

1 National Girlfriends Day (I think dat I needs me some more girlfriends)
1 National Mountain Climbing Day
1 National Raspberry Cream Pie Day

2 National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

3 Grab Some Nuts Day
3 National Watermelon Day

4 International Beer Day
4 National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
4 U.S. Coast Guard Day

5 Campfire Day
5 International Hangover Day (dis one goes wiff the International Beer Day on da 4th)
5 National Clown Day (I'm gonna get my Clown ON today!)
5 National Mustard Day
5 National Underwear Day (hehehe)

6 Friendship Day
6 Sisters Day
6 Wiggle Your Toes Day (I think dat I'll have to skip dis one - wiff my "poor paw")

7 National Lighthouse Day

8 Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor's Porch Day

9 Book Lover's Day

10 Lazy Day
10 National S'mores Day (yummy, yummy yummy.... I feel love in my tummy)

11 Presidential Joke Day (Isn't dis every day?)
11 Son and Daughter Day

12 Middle Child's Day

13 Left Hander's Day

14 National Creamsicle Day

15 Relaxation Day (Now this one's for me!)

16 National Tell a Joke Day (Got any good jokes?)

17 National Thriftshop Day

18 Bad Poetry Day

19 Aviation Day (Let's go fly a kite!)
19 National Potato Day

20 National Radio Day

21 National Spumoni Day
21 Senior Citizen's Day

22 Be an Angel Day
22 National Tooth Fairy Day

23 Ride the Wind Day

24 Vesuvius Day

25 Kiss and Make Up Day

26 National Dog Day (we should do somethingy special for dis one)
26 Women's Equality Day

27 Global Forgiveness Day
27 Just Because Day

28 Chinese Valentine's Day/Daughter's Day
28 Race Your Mouse Day

29 More Herbs, Less Salt Day

30 Toasted Marshmallow Day

31 National Eat Outside Day
31 National Trail Mix Day

Here's a Bloggie Challenge for you:  
I Challenge you to do one Wacky Holiday post for every day in August.   
Dar are soooooo... many good ones every day in August.  

Get creative and grab dis sticker to add to your daily postie. 

Join me.   It will be FUN and we All need some FUN!


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Beyond da Gate

I can't wait to go on long walkies again.  
I miss my daily patrols.
Poor Paw Update:

My "poor paw" is healing and Mom says dat I'm gettin' better at lettin' her put on my sock and bootie.   Actually, I was holding out for better bribes and now I get bits of chicken or apple as bootie treats.

Monday, I go back to da Dogster to get my stitches out and for more 'C' test.
I'm going to get a chest X-ray and da Dogster will aspirate my leg lymph node.   Later, I will get an ultrasound.   Even though da margins were clean, the Dogsters wants to make sure dat da 'C' hasn't spread.  Apparently melanoma is very aggressive.

Once we get da results, we'll talk about next steps (if any).  I did hear Mom talking wiff da Dogster about possible amputation of my poor paw digit (toe/pad).   YIKES.   Dat doesn't sound good.  They also discussed other possible 'C' related treatments.

We're going to take it one "poor paw" step at a time.


Friday, July 28, 2017

Flashback Friday - Lady bugs

Smells like my leash.

What a grrrrrreat chew toy!

My fiber diet.

Wasn't I cute in my wee little lady bug harness?

                         Baby Ranger

Monday, July 24, 2017

Da Results are In - Da Good, da Bad, & da Ugly

We got da results of my biopsy.     Da Good news is dat da margins are clean.

Grrrrrr...... I don't like what I'm hearing!
I'm only 5 years old.

Da Bad news

Da results showed dat da little mass, dat the Dogster removed from my poor paw pad, was Melanoma (da malignant kind).

YIKES !!!!!!!    

Da Dogster also examined my lymph node (in my leg/hip) and she said that dar does not appear to be any inflammation (which is good).

Da Ugly

Mom got on her Yaptop and started researching Melanoma in dogs.    Here is what she learned:

  • Melanoma is the most common tumor found in the mouth of dogs, and the second most common tumor found on the digits (toes). 
  • There is a predisposition for male dogs and certain breeds seem to be overrepresented, including Scottish terriers, Cocker Spaniels, Gordon Setters, Chow Chows, and Golden retrievers.  
  • They are locally invasive tumors, often infiltrate deep into the bone (of the jaw or toe), and have a high rate of metastasis (spreading).   Dogs with digit melanomas have an average survival time of about 1 year with surgery alone. The melanoma vaccine, however, can dramatically improve survival times.   
Now SHE knows dat you can't believe everything you read on da Yaptop, so She is looking forward to talking to da "C" Dogster.

What's next?
  • More healing of my poor paw pad.
  • I get my stitches out on 7/31.
  • My Dogster is going to consult wiff a "C" Dogster to discuss options.
  • Mom plans to ask about a new treatment called the melanoma vaccine (Oncept). From what she read on her Yaptop, it is a new DNA vaccine treatment that stimulates your dog’s immune system to fight the melanoma. This is not traditional chemotherapy and is tolerated extremely well by most dogs.
Keep dos healing vibes & prayers flowing my way.


Pees.   If you have any experience wiff Melanoma in Dogs, please feel free to email me ScottieRanger@gmail

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Cushioned Booties !!!!!

Arrrrrroooooooo...... my box came.

I couldn't wait to dig in.
What?   No treats in da box?
Butt dar are always treats in da box.  
My new "right sized" booties came.
Mom even got me cushion insert pads for my new booties butt
SHE ordered da wrong size so she had to cut dem down to my size.
Here goes.....
What?   Haven't you ever seen a scottie wearing booties before?
Some of my BFF where booties.

 I can even leave my pee mail and dey don't fall off!

I chased a bunny out of my yard and dey didn't fall off.

I haven't given dem da ultimate test yet.   

You got it.... da "scottie kick" test  but I think dey are good.

Ok.... you can take my bootie shot now for da magazine cover.


Pees....    Dey did not pass the "Scottie-Kick" test.  BOL.

Thursday, July 20, 2017


Well, Mom is not happy dat I am not leaving my sock or bootie on.
Dis morning we went on a short walkie (one of my favorite thing to do) and half way thru, I did my famous "scottie kick-up" and my sock and bootie flew off.   Needless to say dat Mom was not happy and picked up my discarded sock and bootie and den picked me up.    The rest of the way home she grumbled about me weighing 20 lbs (actually I only weigh 19.6 lbs).   And... to top it off, she ran into our neighbor (who was walking Charlie) and he decided to chat up a storm (while she was holding her 19.6 lb package - hehehe... ME).
Serves her right.   I was perfectly happy walking & hopping wiffout dat darn sock/bootie.

Today, I also figured out dat whenever I wanted to go out, she re-sock'd and bootie'd me so I made it hard for her to catch me.   Hiding under da foodable table is always a sure fire WIN.   I can sooooo outsmart her.

Well at least she didn't buy me pink Garanimals.
Anyways, our Chewy order of a new (hopefully better fitting) bootie & pads arrives tomorrow but she decided that she couldn't wait so dis evening, off to Walmart she went to buy little Garanimals (for a better fit).

Which one of you guys gave her dat idea?  

When she got home, she grabbed me and dis time, she noticed that my poor paw had a red sore spot and it appeared that while she was off to Walmart, I might have taken out 1 or 2 stitches early.   Oops!!

I call FOWL..... not fair ganging up on Me!

Mom was not happy, again.

She cleaned it and den asked Auntie D to hold me while she put on my new Garanimals sock.

She said that we'll have to call da Dogster in the morning to make another apt to ck-out my poor paw stitches.
And she didn't even give me a treat!   

Peeesss..... Morning Update:   We went to see da Dogster dis morning and guess what?   I did NOT remove my stitches.   Da red (maybe orangish) spot dat Mom saw was just some thread stuck to my stitches.   I probably got it from da inside of my purple and orange running sock.  So dar you have it!    Doc says da stitches and my wound look good.    Oh, and Auntie D gave me some apple bits when I got home.   Yummmmmmy!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Chewy to da Rescue

Back from da Dogster.

Post surgery bandage.
She removed my bandage and checked my poor paw.

To Mom's surprise, I came back without any bandage on.  The Dogster said dat it looked good and she recommended dat we let it breath and not put on another bandage.

WooHoo!   Dat bandage was heavy.

My 3 blue stitches.   Sorry for da blur butt
I really wasn't into getting a stitch pic.

So here were da Dogster's instructions to Mom:

  1. Make sure to keep da paw clean until dey take out da 3 blue stitched.   Hehehehe!   Dat took Mom for a spin.   How to keep my paw clean.
  2. It's okay to use a little peroxide and a paper towel to wipe my paw clean.
  3. Make sure that I don't try to lick my stitches or remove dem myself.   If I bother da paw too much, she may have to give me da Cone-of-Shame.  I don't think so!
  4. Da biopsy results are not in.   Da Dogster will call when she gets dem.
  5. Stitches come out on 7/31.  

Sock covered paw.   Yeah... like dat is going to work.
When we got home, Mom gave dis all some thinkin', and here's what she did.

  • She put a sock on it!  One of her short running socks.   For some reason, she thought purple and orange would be good (so she could easily see if it was still on).
  • And she got on and ordered booties and bootie pads for me.   We do LOVE .  Not only do dey carry all my favorite foodables and treats, but dey also have booties for my paws.
She is still thinkin' on it.  Ya see, Mom seems she's a bit worried dat I'll rip my stitches out after I poop/pee and do my scottie-kick wiff my back paws (it's a scottie thang).
All will be good when my bootie from Chewy arrives.

Pees..... as soon as I jumped off da couch, her sock came off.   Hehehehe.   I guess SHE'll have to re-think dat and come up wiff another solution until my booties arrive.

I am joining the Chewy blog Hop with

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Aroooooooooo !!!!   I got to eat breakfast and Auntie D gave me some apple too.
About time.    I was starv'n.   What was She think'n?

It's been raining here so Mom put a zip-lock bag on my bandaged foot to keep is dry while she took me outside to pees.   I looked pretty stupid wiff a baggie on my foot and was glad non of my neighborhood pup friend were out and about in da rain.

I have to keep my bandage dry.
Tomorrow I go back to da Dogster and she will change my dressing.   I have to wait another 13 days before I can get my stitches out.

Mom seems happy dat I'm walking on my bandaged paw and dat I'm starting to get back to my old self.    I'm still giving her da "pity puppy eyes" so dat I can get more treats today.


Pees....   We are hoping dat da biopsy results will be back tomorrow when we see da Dogster.

Monday, July 17, 2017

I'm back

Resting at home wiff my gator stuffy.

I survived!

Today I went in to have my paw-pad surgery.   The Dogster removed a small mass in my back paw-pad and sent if off for analysis.
Sneek peek at my bandaged paw.

I got me 3 stitches in my poor paw pad and have a big & heavy blue and white bandage on my paw.

I'm still a bit out of it (from da sleepy drugs dat dey gave me) and I haven't had anything to eat all day.  
The Dogster's notes says that I can't eat anything until tomorrow morning.  Grrrrrrrrrr.

What's dat?   Did someone just open the fridgator?
I heard dat.
Hello..... I'm feeling all better.  Can I have some dinner?
Drat.   She didn't by it. 

I guess I'll take another power nap. 

                              Hop-along Ranger

Pees.... We won't get da biopsy results for a few days.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

A Not So Pawsome Adventure

I met me a GREAT DANE today!

Today, Mom took me to da Dogster (again) and I made a ton of new friends.  Cats & Dogs and a horse (Mom said it was a Great Dane).

Ya see I have a hurt rear paw-pad and I hop sometimes so dat my rear paw doesn't have to touch da pavement.
We've been to da Dogster a couple of time over da past  month and it doesn't seem to be improving.

Does my head look big?
Antibiotics and anti-inflammation pills didn't really fix my poor hurt paw pad (PHPP).

Now, I don't complain mind you.   I still like to run and go on walkies, but Mom worries when she sees me hop.   She don't think I make a very good bunny.

So we went for another recheck and da Dogster said dat she thinks its a corn and that she would recommend that we remove it. YIKES.... SURGERY !!!!.   She asked another Dogster to take a look at it and he agreed.

Have you ever had a corn on your paw pad and how was it treated?

Right now my corn removal surgery is schedule for Monday so send up some POTP that all goes well and I hope dat I'm chasing bunnies again real soon.


Ps.... Mom had some crazy allergic reaction today at the Dogster's office.   I think dar was way too much cat dander flying.   Her nose wouldn't stop running, she keep sneezing and her eyes got all itchy.   Did someone say Benadryl?

Monday, July 10, 2017

Happy Summer - Pool Pawty

Yes..... it's me!   Your long time no hear "Ranger".

I hope you are having a wonderful summer.   My slack-a-tary (aka Mom) has been busy and has not been doing a good job of monitoring my bloggie.   I'd fire her if I could, but she is also my chef and I really like to eat.

Today, I got on her case and made her turn over her yaptop to me so I could tell you about my latest summer adventure.

My best buddies (Wally and Finn) invited me over to dar house for a pool pawty.

You'll  never believe how cool Wally & Finn's new pool is.
Wally showed me how to step in.

Dis is soooooo... cool !!!

Wally da water king.
After we got our paws wet, the boys showed my how to walk on the pool shelf.

I was a bit nervous at first and stayed close to da wall.

 Mom took hold of me and took me out into the deeper water but she was afraid that her "little tank", dats me, might sink so she held me and let me paddle around a bit.   I must confess, that I wasn't too fond of swimming.

I like da pool shelf

Can you see Finn's reflection in da water?

Chillin' wiff Finn of da pool shelf/ledge
I much prefer just playing on the water ledge and step.   All I can say is dat cool and wet paws on a hot day, is Da Bomb!

After we splashed and played around, we decided to dry off and catch some rays.
Dis is pawsome!

Finn lounging around
Dar is nothing better dan sharing a towel (my Chewy towel) and spending time wiff your best buds.
Wally, Finn, and Me
I hope you are having loads of fun summer adventures.


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