Guess what???? I got me another Award! Yippy! It's not an Oscar, it's is the Liebster Award.
What's a Liebster? I did some research on the puter and here's what I learned.
The Liebster Blog Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers
(that's me). "Liebster" is German for "favorite". I don't speak German but this award sounds cool and it is the "favorite blog award".
The Award rules are.
* Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you. Here goes: I'd like to thank the
Academy of Bloggin Sheba for this honor.
* Share five things about yourself and five things about your staffies/humans
About me:
My Mollie. |
1. I have a long distance girlfriend. Her name is
Mollie and she lives in the UK. She is very popular and has a gazillion followers. I'm so lucky she chose Me.
2. I have a bit of a "short" complex. Do you think I should go to therapy?
3. When I get a new rawhide bone, I carry it around the house, and whimper while I look for a really good place to hide/bury it. Then I go back and get it and whimper some more while I chose a different spot. Repeat, repeat, and eventually I'll close in on a good hiding spot. Okay…. I admit it, I'm not the most decisive pup out there.
4. I have some red streaks in my beard. I think I got them from my birth Mom. Her name is Scarlet. I also have a little splotch of white fur on my butt. I don't know who to blame for that little highlight.
5. When Mom picks me up from camp and ask how I did, the camp director Jill, says that I'm quite the "Party Maker". When I arrive at camp, the party begins. I guess secret's out now.
About my staff.
1. I am still train'n them. It's a big job, but someone has to do it.
2. Mom retired with her sister (Aunty D) last year and moved to the coast so they could be near the beach. They take turns playing with me. I'm a lucky boy to live with 2 hot babes.
Me doing my "down". |
3. Mom is a photographer ( and Aunty D is a quilter.
4. Aunty D is teaching Mom to quilt and they have their own bloggy.
Unfortunately I have to share the puter with them. Maybe I'll get my own puter for my barkday. Sometimes she even makes quilts that are inspired by me (see scottie quilts category).
5. They are both push-overs for my
"down". I can make them laugh and get just about anything from them when I do my
Answer five questions from your nominee.
1. Are you from a breeder or rescue centre? Mom got me from Jane. She is a really nice breeder and a special ed teacher.
2. Facebook or Twitter? Mom won't let me FB as I already spend too much time on the puter. Twitter is for birds right? I'm a dog.
3. What is your favorite season of the year? I can't pick one yet. I am not 1 yr old yet so I haven't really experienced all the seasons. So far… they are all FUN.
4. Do you take your pets on holiday with you? Every day I go places with Mom is a holiday to me. I love to ride in Mom's zoom-zoom car.
5. Favorite food? I love, love, love hot dogs but I only get them when I'm training. I also really like chicken, apples, cookies, tacos, and CHEERIOS!
Ask five new questions to your nominated bloggers. Hummmmmm….
1. Why did you start blogg'n?
2. What has been your biggest surprise blogg'n?
3. Photos or Videos?
4. Favorite past-time?
5. What do chain letters and bloggy awards have in common?
Reveal your top five picks (200 readers or less) and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
Tag….. you've been Liebster'd:
Phewwwwwwww….. that was a lot of work. I may need a nap after this.