
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Star Puppy

I passed my Star Puppy test today.

I was the youngest puppy in the class and Mom was very proud of me.   One of the puppies in my class did not pass and has to do more homework before he gets his certificate.

My teacher gave us Star Puppy cookies to celebrate.   She is tail-wagg'n cool.

After we got home, I was really tired and had a rest.  Test are exhausting.

This afternoon Mom gave me my Star Puppy cookie and we celebrated my graduation from Star Puppy Obedience school.
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet!   Is it too pretty to eat?

I taste peanut butter!!

Did I tell you that I mastered "Down" last week.  I am truly bark'n awesome at it.

I've had a busy week as Mom and I are also signed up for a follow on class and it started Monday night.   So… I've been to school twice this week already.   We want to work-up to doing some Agility, so I have to take more classes.   I think it will be fun to eventually jump over sticks and run thru tunnels.     It will be good exercise for Mom too.

In this new class we will learn some more obedience skills and we will learn some tricks.   I had to walk on bubble-wrap, a trap, and metal grid, and a board that was painted in 2 colors.   I am the youngest puppy in this class too and when I walked across the bubble-wrap, I did not pop any of the bubbles.  I guess I am too light (only 14lbs).   My new teacher had a good laugh over that.   I really like my new teacher and she has a really smart dog.  She also teaches all the Agility classes.
Chow for now.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS R A N G E R on your ribbons------I wish you could teach your Snider dogs in California a little about obedience LOVE Aunt Bea

  2. OMD!! Congratulations!!!!! That is SO pawsome!!

    I started my doggie school this week, it was interesting... You'll have to read about it on when I post on Thursday...

  3. Congratulations Ranger!!!!

  4. Congrats, Ranger. I just finished my advanced training. Visit me on FB at The Adventures of Indy and Lucy(she is my Scottie sister)

    1. Lucy - will you be my girl puppy pal?

      Indy - you have such a cool name. Do you live in Indiana? Are you teaching Lucy what you learned in class?

      Mom and I read your FB page. It was Pawsome!


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