Hello, remember me?
My name is Ranger and I have an appointment (again).
I'm here to see if my pee shooter is all better.
I now weigh 20 lbs. Yep…. it's official, I'm a Big Boy. Mom says dat it must be all dat wet food dat she's been mixin in with my kibble. I just love that stinky/wet food.
After I got weigh'd, I had to pee in a cup. I hope I can shoot straight. I'm still a little depressed
(about Mollie and all her boyfurfriends) and dat might affect my aim, but I'll give it a try. Woowee…. bullseye. Maybe I not really dat depressed after all.
Mom and I waited while the pretty Dogster assistant tested my pee. While we waited, I got to think'n and ya know… I got a lot to offer 'the girls'. I'm Cute, Smart
(no blonde fur here), Athletic
(can jump over poles in a single bound), a great Ball Player, Loyal and I got a Job
(as Junior Police Officer). Yeah… I'm a really good catch. Maybe I should update my dogmatch.com profile.
Now you're probably wondering about my test results.
Drummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm roll……
The Dogster walked in with a big smile on her face.
All Clear!
Oh Nooooooooooo! |
Yippy !!!!!
High Paws, Mom!
Yikes… what ya got there Doc?
A SHOT ???? Where are you gonna put dat?
Now that my fection is all better, I had to get my shot(s) AND she put some liquid juice up my nose. How did she manage to miss my big mouth? Silly Dogster needs some glasses.
I gotta get one more shot, next week. Mom likes to spread my shots out, so they don't knock me out.
I'll bark at ya again soon,
Ranger (JPO)