
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Wacky Holidays coming in August

It's dat time again to look ahead at all da fun things to celebrate in August, so I got on my yaptop and googled up da list.

Here's da list:
August, 2015 Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky Days:

1 National Mustard Day
1 National Raspberry Cream Pie Day

2 Friendship Day  (Sweet)
2 National Ice Cream Sandwich Day
2 Sisters Day

3 National Watermelon Day

4 U.S. Coast Guard Day

5 Work Like a Dog Day (I always do dis, maybe dis should be Work Like a Human Day)

6 Wiggle Your Toes Day

7 National Lighthouse Day

8 Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor's Porch Day  (hehe)

9 Book Lover's Day  (My girlfriend Daisy will love dis one)

10 Lazy Day
10 National S'mores Day

11 Presidential Joke Day
11 Son and Daughter Day

12 Middle Child's Day

13 Left Hander's Day

14 National Creamsicle Day   (Yummmmmmmmm)

15 Relaxation Day (now this one's for me!)

16 National Tell a Joke Day  (fun, fun, fun)

17 National Thriftshop Day (wonder what you'll buy)

18 Bad Poetry Day (my buddy Oz will love dis one)

19 Aviation Day (do I see an airshow in our future?)

20 Chinese Valentine's Day/Daughter's Day
20 National Radio Day (I think dat Pierre & Bentley will like dis one)

21 Senior Citizen's Day

22 Be an Angel Day
22 National Tooth Fairy Day

23 Ride the Wind Day (I'm gonna have to go cruising in my bike trailer)

24 Vesuvius Day

25 Kiss and Make Up Day

26 National Dog Day   (ARRROOOOOOO !)

27 Just Because Day

28 Race Your Mouse Day

29 Demolition Derby at the Blogville County Fair (hosted by Oreo)
29 More Herbs, Less Salt Day

30 Frankenstein Day
30 Toasted Marshmallow Day

31 National Trail Mix Day

Feel free to grab any of these days for posties or for events/blog hops dat you might wanta host.   Have fun! 

For other fun events, check out our Blogville Calendar.


Saturday, July 25, 2015

A Snuggly Snuggle

Today I'm joining da Snuggly Blog Hop.

Life is good.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Ranger's Ramblings

Surviving da Summertime Heat.

Are you HOT?  
When you come into da house after a brief run and patrol of da yard are you HOT?
Me too.

Here's what  I do.

  1. Inspect da kitchen floor.   I alway check for any food droppings that might have occurred while I was outside.   
  2. Hydrate:  My next stop is my water dish.  I grab me a cool drink of water.
  3. Chill da belly:   I find my favorite cool spot and stretch out.    I like da cool slate by my fireplace (which is turned off in da summertime).    
    Aweeeeee...... nothing like a cool belly.
  4. Conserve Energy and Recharge:   Yep.... I like to take a nap.
Dats it.    Stay cool everybuddy and have a grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat weekend!


Friday, July 17, 2015

Flashback Friday Flicks

I haven't done any flashbacks in like 87 days.... so I thought dat I'd flashback today and share wiff you one of my beach videos (taken when I was a wee little laddie).

                      Baby Ranger

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


It is HOT here and I've been beggin' Mom to get my pool out, for like 87 days.    She finally listened to me and broke out my pool.

As soon as she put my pool down I jumped right into it.
Yo..... Mom.... can you put some water in it?

Arrrrroooooooo....   cool water and floaty toys.
I'm lovin dis.
 It was grrrrrrreat until Aunty D snuck up behind me and grabbed my collar.   And den she  sprayed me wiff the water hose.   And den she brought out the oatmeal soap.
OMD.... BATH !!!!!!!

Pool-time will never be da same.

Mom.... you can stop takin my picture now.
I must admit dat it did feel good to cool off and to get a shampoo massage but I'll never let dem know.   


Sunday, July 12, 2015

B&W Sunday

OMD.... I think I see a dog down dar.
Is dat you?

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Rodeo Day in Blogville

Yee-Haw !!!!!!!    

Our Mayorz (Stanley & Murphy) are hosting Blogville Rodeo Day today!  


I'm heading over dar now cuz I signed up to do some Bronco Busting and Barrel Racing.

Dar are all sorts of fun events planned so...
make sure you pop on over to dar blog for all da rip-roaring gitty-uping fun!

Oh yeah.... you might also see me clowning around.   Hehe!

Ya don't wanta miss all da action and da grrrrrreat cowboy/cowgirl food.

Click HERE to gallop on over to da Rodeo.


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Tasty Tuesday Chews

Now I know dat according to the Wacky Holidays, today is National Strawberry Sundae Day, butt I've got something better.

Bring it over here Mom.
I'm all ready (sittin' in my box opening chair)!
It's Chewy day at my house!

I got me a Chewy box, and you know what dat means...... let da pawtying begin!

Sniff, sniff... smells good.

I'm goin' in!
OMD..... it's Dick Van Patten's NATURAL BALANCE Dental Chews.    I got da Pumpkin & Chicken Meal Formula wiff Papaya.     I'm in heaven.

Not only does it smell good, but it's also a TOY.   After I got my teeth on one, I ran all around the living room, dropped it and then grabbed it again and ran around again.   Over and over I played wiff my new chew (making wee little sounds of delight as I played wiff it).   Mom tried to take a video of me in play mode, but I was too fast and all she got was a black blur.

Den I decided dat I needed to bury it so dat Mom wouldn't take dis wonderful toy away from me.

Yep.... where else would you put it?
I buried it in da corner of my bed.

I'd better cover if up wiff my blankie.
After a brief time buried in my bed, I decided that I wanted to check out my new chew again.  

So I grabbed it, inspecting it, chomped down and gobbled it up. 
It was PAWSOME (and Mom says it's good for cleaning my teeth and givin' me good breath)!

So..... if you want a dental chew dat is also a really fun digestable Toy, you really need to try these.

Dey help reduce plaque & tarter, are easy to digest, helps freshen breath and has antioxidant nutrients.   I really think dey need to add to da packaging that it is also fun to play wiff and bury (for future teeth cleaning).

I give these chews my highest rating.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

O' Canada

Today is Canada Day!  EH?

You Might Be Canadian If

  • Your municipality buys a Zamboni before a bus. 
  • You bring a portable TV on a camping trip so that you don't miss Hockey Night. 
  • You can repeat the entire Molson's Canadian 'The Rant'. 
  • You dismiss all beers under 6% as "for children and the elderly." 
  • You can sing "O' Canada" in French and actually know what the words mean.  
  • You know more than 3 guys named Gordon. 
  • You have twins named Wayne and Gretzky (alternately Gordie and Howe). 
  • You substitute beer for water when cooking. 
  • You know what "Canuba" is.   
  • You pity people who haven't tasted a "beavertail". 
  • You brag to Americans: Shania Twain, Jim Carrey, Celine Dion & more, are Canadians. 
  • You know that the last letter of the English alphabet is always pronounced "Zed".
  • You know how to pronounce and spell "Saskatchewan". 
  • You have worn shorts and a parka at the same time .
  • You are in grade 12, not the 12th grade. 
  • You owe more money on your snowmobile than on your car. 
  • At least twice a year, the kitchen doubles a meat processing plant. 
  • You think the start of deer season is a national holiday. 
  • You know which leaves make for good toilet paper. 
  • The trunk of your car doubles as a freezer. 
  • You can play road hockey on skates. 
  • If your local Dairy Queen is closed from September through May.
  • If you’ve had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialed a wrong number.
  • If you know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter and road construction.
  • You know that a pike is a type of fish, not part of a highway.
  • "Eh?" is a very important part of your vocabulary, and is more polite
  • than, "Huh?"

Have you ever noticed dat Canadians are always ahead of da US wiff dar Holidays?
Canada Day is July 1st
Independence Day is July 4th

Canadian Thanksgiving is in October
US Thanksgiving is in November

Just sayin dat sometimes I think about stuff like dis.   
It must be da heat!   It's mighty HOT here in NC.   I would surely welcome some of dat 'Canadian air/jetstream' about now, eh?


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