
Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Friday, July 12, 2019

Nature & Flashback Friday - Pool Pawty wiff my buds Wally & Finn

Which way should we go Wally?
What?  You want me to swim?  BOL.
Baby Finn:  Oh dis is going to be fun to watch. 

My staff got da memo late re. Nature Friday. 

Does dis count?

If ya want, you can add some faux (Mom helped me wiff dat word) flowers to float in you pool.   Some even light up (solar powered).   Super cool huh?    I only have a blue plastic baby pool and it probably would be too small for floaters but Wally & Finn could float some in dar pool.  


Thursday, July 11, 2019

Yard Patrol

I am so Thankful for our BIG Sliding glass doors so I can see outside and stay cool.

I've been working long hours (and missing out on my beauty sleep) as our yard patrol officer.   It is so hot outside dat I have to keep watch from inside da house.

Lately,  dar's a blue heron that has the nerve to walk by (on da other side of my fence)  and then goes fishing in the canal.  When I see him out back, I go crazy and Mom lets me shout at him and chase him to the other side of the canal.  Den I have to watch him to make sure he doesn't come back.   I can usually force him to fly away (my shouting must scare away da fish that he is looking for).

Not only do I have to parol our yard for rabbits, squirrels, and herrons, but now dey say there is a gator around.

Yep, we've had alligator sightings in our neighborhood canals but I'm not too worried about da gator (my yard is fenced).    Maybe if I actually saw one, I might be a bit more concerned.  Butt den again.... I'm a Scottie so I think I can scare him off too.

Hummm.... don't you think I deserve a raise?     Is there such a thing as gator hazard pay?


Pees.   I've been away from blogville for some time now and don't know what events are happening in blogville.   Now dat I'm back, is there a place I can go to see what events/hops are coming up so I can join in?  I do like a good pawty.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Celebrating the 4th of July

I'm looking forward to the cookout.   Love me some grilled burgers, steak, chicken (no hot dogs please).
Miss you guys.       


Ps.   I hope the cook-out cheers Mom up.  She is in a bit of a Independents Day funk because we have immigrants caged and living in inhuman conditions.   She really doesn't understand how people can call themselves Christian and still be ok with treating others like this.    
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