Arrrrrrooooooo !!!!!
Today we made it back home after we evacuated for Hurricane Florence. Aunty D found a route that avoided all da road closures, flooding, and river crest. High Paws for her pawsome navigation skills.
Happy to be Home. |
After inspecting our house, I am happy to report dat da only house damage was da loss of a big fascia board. It seems to have flown way in da storm.
My yard has tree limbs down, an uprooted butterfly bush and leaves and debris. Not bad and of course I had to inspect/mark it all.
Mom says dat I need a bath after all my evacuating adventures. I'm not really feeling it as I had a lot of wet paws during da hurricane. She seem kinda exhausted, so I'm hoping dat she will forget.
I feel really blessed to have survived and dat my house is not too damages. Dar are loads of peeps dat loss everything and it is a real mess down here. Da dog water rescues (on da news) made me sad dat their peeps left dem behind.
Keep dos paw prayers coming as dar are lots of peeps and pups and kitties dat need dem.
Peeees.... I am happy to be home, butt will miss Uncle Jim's BIG TV. It was great to visit wiff him.