Arrrrrrooooooo...... I'm on time dis month!
Da wheels on da Bus ....... |
I did my monthly googly research on my yaptop and here are some wild and crazy things to celebrate in September.
September, 2016 Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky Days:
1 National Cherry Popover Day
2 Internaional Bacon Day (Yippy! BACON!)
2 VJ Day, WWII
3 Skyscraper Day
4 Newspaper Carrier Day
5 Be Late for Something Day (I'm never late for dinner.... just sayin)
5 Cheese Pizza Day (extra chez please!)
5 Labor Day
6 Read a Book Day (Maybe we should post about our favorite book)
7 National Salami Day
7 Neither Rain nor Snow Day
8 International Literacy Day (dis sure is a "smart month")
8 National Date Nut Bread Day
8 Pardon Day
9 Teddy Bear Day
10 Sewing Machine Day (Aunty D will love dis one)
10 Swap Ideas Day
11 911 Remembrance
11 Grandparent's Day
11 Make Your Bed Day (not)
11 National Pet Memorial Day
11 No News is Good News Day
12 Chocolate Milk Shake Day
12 National Video Games Day
13 Defy Superstition Day
(maybe I'll walk under a ladder today)
13 Fortune Cookie Day
13 National Peanut Day
13 Positive Thinking Day
13 Uncle Sam Day - his image was first used in 1813
14 National Cream-Filled Donut Day
15 Make a Hat Day (I look real GOOD in hats)
16 Mayflower Day
16 Mexican Independence Day
16 POW/MIA Recognition Day
16 Working Parents Day
17 National Apple Dumpling Day
17 Citizenship Day
17 Constitution Day
18 National Cheeseburger Day (OMD.... best day ever!)
18 National Women's Friendship Day
18 Wife Appreciation Day
19 International Talk Like A Pirate Day (Yo-ho-ho... matey)
19 National Butterscotch Pudding Day
20 National Punch Day
21 International Peace Day
21 Miniature Golf Day
21 World Gratitude Day
22 Autumn Equinox - Fall begins!
22 Business Women's Day
22 Elephant Appreciation Day
22 Hobbit Day
23 Checkers Day
23 Dog in Politics Day (HEY !!!!!!!)
23 Native American Day
24 International Rabbit Day (I lov chasin' dem)
24 National Cherries Jubilee Day
25 National Comic Book Day
26 Johnny Appleseed Day
27 Crush a Can Day
27 Oktoberfest begins in Germany
28 Ask a Stupid Question Day (one of my favorite days)
28 National Good Neighbor Day
29 Confucius Day
30 National Mud Pack Day
Feel free to grab any of these days for posties or for events/blog hops dat you might wanta host. Have fun!
For other fun events, check out our Blogville Calendar.