The is going to be a GREAT MONTH!
Here's da list:
1 National Pig Day (Oink!)
1 Peanut Butter Lovers' Day (yummmmm)
2 Dr. Seuss Day
3 I Want You to be Happy Day
3 Peach Blossom Day
4 Mardi Gras
5 Multiple Personality Day (dog-cat-dog-cat?)
6 Dentist's Day (Yikes!)
6 National Frozen Food Day
7 National Crown Roast of Pork Day
8 Be Nasty Day
9 Panic Day
10 Middle Name Pride Day (my middle name is Lancelot… after my Dad)
11 Johnny Appleseed Day
12 Girl Scouts Day (I like dar cookies)
12 Plant a Flower Day
13 Ear Muff Day
13 Popcorn Lover's Day (snacks !!!!)
14 Learn about Butterflies Day
14 National Potato Chip Day (more snacks !!!!)
15 Ides of March
16 Everything You Do is Right Day
17 Saint Patrick's Day
18 Goddess of Fertility Day
19 Poultry Day
20 International Earth Day
20 Extraterrestrial Abductions Day (oh my)
21 Fragrance Day
23 National Chip and Dip Day (yummy)
24 National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day
25 Waffle Day (Arrrrrrrrrrrrrooooo!)
26 Make Up Your Own Holiday Day (Dis could be fun)
27 National "Joe" Day (I don't know what dis means)
28 Something on a Stick Day (yummmm)
29 Smoke and Mirrors Day (cool…. Magic!)
30 National Doctor's Day
30 I am in Control Day (I'm always in control)
30 Take a Walk in the Park Day (oh no…. not dat Nature park)
31 Bunsen Burner Day
31 National Clam on the Half Shell Day
Have a super Friday and I'll shout at you tomorrow.
Pees…… Don't miss my Really BIG Announcement tomorrow!