
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Monday, March 15, 2021

Today is my Birthday !!!!

Arrrrrrrroooooooo !!!!!!

I am 63 today!
Dats only 9 in human years.  

What's dat all about?  
63 vs 9 
Dos humans are always trying to look and be younger.   
What's a little grey?   
Mom thinks dat I look distinguished.  Cool.

I get CHICKEN with my kibble tonight.   Yippy.... I can't wait.   
Maybe I'll get a new stuffie too.   I'm going to keep a lookout for a Chewy box.   I did get a Birthday card from them so dare might be a pressie coming too.

Since it is my Birthday, I thought I'd share a baby Ranger pic wiff you. 

Yep.... no grey furs back den.

Have a Grrrrrrrreat Day.

                             Ranger (da Birthday boy)

Peees.... Happy Birthday to Angel Stuart and my down under buddy Dui.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Dr. Seuss Day !!!!!!

It's finally here
it's time to play
Post your post
for Dr Seuss Day!

Today there is a very special BLOG HOP at Comedy Plus .
All bloggers are welcome, it's Read Across America Day honoring the wit and wisdom and writings of Dr. Seuss ~ so add your posting for all to see, join the fun!

Now… curious minds wanta know:  
* Who is your favorite character and why? 
* What is your favorite Dr. Seuss booky?

Lorax is my favorite.  All good scotties appreciate a good stash!  

I have learned soooooooo much from reading Dr. Seuss and sometimes I think dat da grown-up humans should re-read his books and re-learn some life lessons.  

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”  (quote from Da Lorax.)

Let's start caring for others instead of tearing each other down.   Just sayin.

Now Join dat Dr. Seuss Blog Hop (see da linky below).


Pees..... Thanks to my Co-Host Timmy of Timmy Tomcat and Emmy of 15andMeowing.   Also biggy thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting da Blog Hop and a BIG BARKOUT to Ann at Zoolatry for organizing dis event.

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