
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Wacky Holiday's - March

Puppy Ranger here.
Early dis morning, I got on my Yaptop and searched for all da Special and Wacky Holidays dat are coming up in March.   
Dar are sooooooo many pawsome days to celebrate in March.   I can't wait.

March, 2021 Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky Days:

1- Peanut Butter Lovers' Day (I do love peanut butter, wiff/wiffout a pill)

2 - Dr. Seuss' Birthday Blog Hop

3 - I Want You to be Happy Day

4 - Hug a GI Day

5 - Multiple Personality Day

6 - National Frozen Food Day

7 - National Cereal Day

8 - Be Nasty Day

9 - Panic Day

10 - Middle Name Pride Day

11 - Johnny Appleseed Day (I do love apples!!!)

12 - Girl Scouts Day (COOKIES ??????)

13 - Smart & Sexy Day

14 - National Potato Chip Day

15 - ARRRROOOOOO !!!   It's my BIRTHDAY ! (on da Ides of March)

16 - Tea for Two Tuesday (Tea Party anyone?)

17 - Saint Patrick's Day (Green Beer?   I'm sooooo IN)

18 - Awkward Moments Day

19 - Poultry Day

20 - Extraterrestrial Abductions Day (stay close to your Peep today)
20 - International Day of Happiness
20 - International Earth Day
20 - International Sports Car Racing Day (YES !!!)
20 - National Quilting Day (Mom and Aunty D will like dis one)

21 - World Poetry Day

22 - National Goof Off Day

23 - National Puppy Day (PUPPIES !!!!)

24 - National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day

25 - Waffle Day

26 - Live Long and Prosper Day
26 - Make Up Your Own Holiday Day

27 - National "Joe" Day (I don't even know what dat means.)

28 - Something on a Stick Day

29 - Smoke and Mirrors Day

30 - Take a Walk in the Park Day (wow..... another great day!)

31 -National Crayon Day

Feel free to grab any of these days for posties or for events/blog hops dat you might wanta host.   

Have fun!

Friday, February 26, 2021

A Walk Wiff a Friend

I'm so excited.   Dar is only a couple of more days until da big day, Dr. Seuss' Birthday Blog Hop (March 2nd).   

I'm calling on all Dogs (& Parrots) to show our love of everything Seuss!    My co-host are rounding up all da Cats in Blogville.    Let's all Bark Out (& tweet out) on March 2nd.


Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Wacky Holiday - International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day

Arrrrrooooooooo !!!!!   It's Dog Biscuit Day!  

Da bigger, da better.   Just sayin.


Pees..... Don't Forget to Bookmark the day March 2nd.    Join your furfriends for A special Dr Seuss Blog Hop!  

Dar is still time Pups, to get Seuss-a-fied.  If you need some assistance puttin on a Seussy look, just send me (scottierangerATgmailDOTcom) your pic (.jpg) and I'll help out and den return your Seuss'd-up pic back to you, before da big day.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Love Your Pet Day

You may not know dis, butt Mom likes to shop and she loves to see packages arrive.   We get lots of boxes, butt I know dat when da blue Chewy Box shows up, dat it's a pressie for me.

OMD..... CHEWY !!!!!!

What did she get for me?

I don't smell any treats.

What is it ???

OMD, it's a New Bed, wiff Memory Foam !!!

I made Mom bribe me (wiff my favorite treats) to get into my new bed.  
I know how to work it !   hehehe

Yep, Mom lovessssss me a whole lotta memory foam.

Now I have 4 beds (some are oldies but goodies).   One in da sunroom, one in da sewing room(dat I rarely use), one in Mom's bedroom and my new Memory Foam bed in da lounging/living room.  
I'm still not sure dat I really like dis memory foam bed, yet.   Have you ever had a memory foam bed?   Did you like it?   Da jury is still out, but while it's under review, I'm sure I'll get a lot of more treats in my trial period.   BOL.

I know what you are thinkin, and your right.   I am spoiled and proud of it.


Sunday, February 14, 2021

Happy Valentine's Day

CAKE is always better dan flowers.


Tuesday, February 9, 2021

National Pizza Day

OMD.... according to my Wacky Holiday calendar, today is National Pizza Day!

What's your favorite pizza?

I like pup-eroni pizza wiff a crispy crust.
Da crust is da BEST and one can never go wrong wiff lots of moz cheese.

We need more pizza days.   Just sayin.

Yuuuuuuuummmmm.   Now I'm hungry.

"Alexa... order me a pizza".


Pees.... I had to start moderating my bloggie comments but I will make sure all my furfriends comments are approved. 
I was getting some scammy comments.   Grrrrrrrrr.  

Monday, February 8, 2021

A Biggy Announcement


I have been selected to Co-Host dis years Dr. Seuss Day on March 2nd. 

Thank you JUNE and Ann, from Zoolatry for selecting me.

My co-host are Timmy Tomcat from Tomcat Commentary by Tim AND Emmy from 15 and Meowing. 

Dey will be purrrrrrrfect Co-Host.  
I'm gonna focus on gettin da woofies (and birds) out and pawticipating in this big day.

Mark your Calendar for March 2nd and let's all celebrate Dr. Seuss's Birthday wiff some pawsome weidness!

Put on your Seuss think'n hat and let's make March 2nd dis year da Biggest and Best celebration dat Blogville has ever seen.  We wanta see poems, jokes, balloons, cakes, tons of hats and whatever else you think of.   I can't wait to see your crazy  wierd creativity.


Pees..... Attention ALL Pups, if you need some assistance puttin on a Seussy look, just send me (scottierangerATgmailDOTcom) your pic (.jpg) and I'll help out and den return your Seuss'd-up pic back to you, before da big day.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Wacky Holiday - National Weatherman's Day

Dear Mr. Weatherman (Lee Ringer, meteorologist),

My Mom is a biggy fan of you (particularly when we have hurricanes).     

However, I have a complaint.   I am really tired of having wet paws.   Can you please go and get da sun to come back.   

All the humans are doing stupid things cuz they are low on vitamin D+.   

Bring back da SUN!


Monday, February 1, 2021

Wacky Holidays - February

Early dis morning, I got on my Yaptop and searched for all da Special and Wacky Holidays dat are coming up in February.

Drumroll please....

1 - No Politics Day

2 - Ground Hog Day

3 - Feed the Birds Day  

4 - Thank a Mailman Day

5 - National Weatherman's Day

6 - Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day 

7 - Send a Card to a Friend Day 

8 - Clean out Your Computer Day 

9 - National Pizza Day (Arrrrrrooo... finally one dat I can really get behind)

10 - Umbrella Day

11 - Make a Friend Day

12 - Chinese New Years (HEY!   I love dis day)

13 - Get a Different Name Day

14 - Valentine's Day (I know dat I didn't have to remind you of dis one)

15 - Susan B Anthony Day

16 - Mardi Gras  / Fat Tuesday

17 - Random Acts of Kindness Day (dis should be everyday)

18 - National Drink Wine Day

19 - National Chocolate Mint Day (Pass.  I don't eat chocolate)

20 - Love Your Pet Day

21 - Card Reading Day

22 - National Margarita Day (YES !)
22 - Walking the Dog Day (YES !!!!!!)

23 - International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day (Mom better get on dat CHEWY order)

24 - World Bartender Day (CHEERS)

25 - Patent Day

26 - Tell a Fairy Tale Day (Finish dis:  Once upon a time.....)

27 - Polar Bear Day (brrrrrrrr)

28 - National Chili Day
28 - Public Sleeping Day (I can sleep anywhere)

Feel free to grab any of these days for posties or for events/blog hops dat you might wanta host.   

Have fun!

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