
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Tail Wagging Tuesday

Arrrrrooooo.   Yesterday I gave you a challenge to ID dis thingy that I found on my morning walkies.   Here is da pic again.

And now for a hit.
Dis was right by da thingy.

What to do?  Pee on it!


And da answer is:  da remains of a palm leaf da fell off a palm tree in da high winds we had the other day.

Oh yes... we do have palm trees in NC.   Dey are not native, butt in our neighborhood, every house is required to have at least 1 palm.   Mom says it's a landscaping requirement.   
When we built our house, Mom picked out da smallest palm dat we could get away with.  She says palms are messy and require lots of maintenance.   Mom is not a high maintenance gal.

I hope you have a low maintenance day (whatever dat means... BOL).   

Monday, December 28, 2020

Monday Mischief

It's a beautiful day in da neighborhood.  


Morning walkies is one of my favorite things to do wiff Aunty D and Mom.   

And now for a little mischief.   We see lots of pawsome things on our adventures.  Dis morning I came across this strange looking thing.   I wanted to bring it home wiff me, but Mom said no.  Grrrrrrr... party pooper.

Can you ID this?

Stay tuned and tomorrow I'll share wiff you da answer. 


Saturday, December 26, 2020

Brrrrrrrrrr.... Baby it's cold outside

Let's GO !

Mom had to find my plaid coat for our Christmas morning walk.   

Now, I don't let her dress me up, butt when it is really cold out, I don't mind (and kinda like it).    I also don't get to make lots of pee stops on our walks as we have to walk really fast to get back into the warm house.

Check it out, we even color coordinated our winter outfits.  Dat's what happens when you live wiff quilters.   BOL

More pictures?   Really Mom... it is cold out here. 

It's been in the 20s and 30s here in NC with winds (making it feel even colder out).    Mom and Aunty D's older brother lives in Maine and it is colder here dan it is there.   The world is upside down.   

Pees.... I hope you had a grrrrrrrreat Christmas wiff you peeps.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas to All

We all stayed home dis year and didn't have any company.   Like a lot of you, we just Facetime'd wiff our friends and relatives.  I'm okay wiff that cuz I don't want my girls (Mom and Aunty D) getting sick. 

That said, I have a little secret to tell you.  You can keep a secret, right?  

Well... I got to meet da big guy!!!   You know, da jolly one wiff all da bells.   

I saw him in da wood and he came over to pat me on da head.   He said dat I was a very good boy dis year and dat 2021 would be a pawsome year.   Wow.   

All I can say is dat...
I believe in Santa Paws.   

Stay well everybuddy and Merry Christmas!


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Monday Mischief - Fence Zoomies (take-2)

My nextdoor buddy is Charlie.   I am older dan him, but he is really tall and can run really fast.  Everyday we do fence zoomies together and den I get a treat from Charlie's dad.   Cool huh?

We couldn't get our video to show up in blogger (grrrrrrrrrr), so my assistant (Mom) did some screen shots of da video.   It's not as good as da video, butt it'll have to do.  Humm.. now dat I look at the pics, I think dat Charlie got a head start.


Well... I decided that it is a lot of work for just one treat, so I decided to trained Charlie's dad to give me a treat before I do fence zommies with Charlie.   Dat way I can decide whether or not I really wanta run.   Smart huh?   Des humans are so easy to train.

Mom is not happy dat I just take the treat and then do not run wiff Charlie.   She say dat Santpaws is watching and dat I need to zoom wiff Charlie as it makes him really happy.   Santapaws likes pups dat spread good cheer wiff other pups.   Do you believe dat?


Friday, December 11, 2020

Nature Friday - Have you seen your Oats today?

Today I'm pawticipating in da Nature Friday Blog Hop.    

Thank you - Arty, Jakey, Rosy and Sunny of the LLB Gang for hosting Nature Friday.

We live near da beach (Coastal NC) and I thought I'd share some nature pics from dar.

Sea Oats

Sea Oats are tall subtropical grasses that are important components of coastal sand dune and beach plant communities in the southeastern United States.

I just love da beach.  

Have a GRRRRReat day in Nature and stay safe.


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Fuzzy Ears

Yesterday, Mom and her sister (Aunty D) got haircuts.   Dey both have really SHORT hairs now and I laughed at dar bad short haircuts.   NC Covid-19 numbers are on a rapid rise and dey were worried that the Governor would close hair salons again so dey asked for short cuts.   Turns out dat at the Governor's briefing, he did not close salons.  BOL.   Silly girls.  

Well, dey got me back today.   Marty, my groomer (since I was a puppy) stopped by to pick me up for a bath and furcut.   Drat.   She even faked me out and came in a new car.   Her other car is "school bus yellow" so I know to run the other way when I see it, but she drove her husband silver car.   Sneaky.  All dose silver cars look alike to me.    Two hours later and she brought me back all clean and groomed for da holidays.

Here are my Before and After pics (and yes, I do have a lot of grey fur... just like Mom).


Mom says that maybe I'll hear her better now dat my ear-fur is trimmed.   BOL.   Jokes on her, I can hear her just fine when she call me in wiff da word "Come".   I just prefer to be bribed.   "Treat/Cookie/Apple/Walk" works for me.   "Come" is boring, don't ya think?


Pees...... Mom finally figured out da blogger changes/"upgrades" so I'm back blogging again.   She is still not happy wiff all da "improvements" and apparently dar are still lots of bugs.   Hopefully dey will fix dat soon,

Monday, December 7, 2020

Monday madness - Blogger changes

Grrrrrrrrrrrr....... I am not happy with Blogger changes.   I tried to change my seasonal header and Blogger changed everything.   Now I can't get my old headers to show up.   
Then I was looking at my comment log and saw lots of spam comments (never saw that before).   

I may have to move off Blogger.    
Mom and Aunty D have a quilting blog on Wordpress so that may be an option, but they made unwanted changes to there interface too.   Grrrrrrrrr.

Hope y'all are well.
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