My best girl
Mollie is having a birfday pawty. I lovs me a good pawty.

Her birfday is April 2nd and she is gonna be 2.
Read all about it on her bloggie ==>
Now she says it's gonna be Fancy Dress Pawty.
What is a Fancy Dress Pawty? I's did some research on my new yaptop
and here's what I learn.
Let's just say… you've been invited to a fancy dress pawty but are unsure of what to wear. What do you do? Dust off your tuxedo? Take your cocktail dress to the dry cleaner? Unlock the safe and take out the diamonds? None of the above. When one is invited to a fancy dress pawty, one is simply being asked to come in costume.
"Fancy dress" is mainly a British term, though those in high society tend to use it as well. It dates back to the Victorian era. Prior to that, masquerade pawties were all the rage. Because party-goers were masked and costumed, and therefore anonymous, they had a tendency to act in an inappropriate manner. People were a lot bolder than when dressed in their everyday clothes. To discourage this behavior, masquerade parties fell out of fashion with the social elite. Instead, pawties where costumes were required but masks weren't became en vogue. To distinguish them from the scandalous masquerade pawties, they became knows as pawties of "fancy dress."
This is very exciting….. now I's just gotta figure out what to dress up as.
Pees. My little buddy Finn came over last night to play with me while his Mom and Dad when out.
Finn |
Stay tuned for tomorrow's posty to hear all about it.